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Monday, September 8, 2008


Well, i worked on Exercise 5 today and think I may enjoy these RSSs feeds...I set up four and will keep checking them today to see how well I like is kinda different because i do like the pictures and things on the original websites and they change color when you have viewed that link...i will check and see if this is something that i will use frequently. It is nice, however, to know now how that orange icon works and what it entails!

Well, today I went back and the stories on my RSS feeds were the same as yesterday. It took a bit of clicking and reading, but i figured out refresh works :) now i have new data on my feeds. I am not quite sure how much I like it, but i will give it some time to see if it grows on me!

1 comment:

Doxie Lady said...

I am convinced you are only looking at feeds about Big Brother!