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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Social Networking

So, I am on exercise 8 and i have both a facebook and a myspace account. I use my accounts to keep up with old friends and to connect with friends i dont see often. We post pictures and blogs to share what is new and exciting. Both my accounts are private. but, if you ask, I may just let you be my friend! :)


Today I re-explored wiki's...I worked on this exercise a few weeks ago and found some interesting information on the uncyclopedia site. you really can learn about all sorts of different things...however, in my personally opinion, most are not true :) Wikihow gives great details on how to do all sorts of things from Halloween costumes to kissing...Well, with the holidays coming, I decided to look up Rock Band on wikia. I didnt learn a whole lot of new things, but it would be a nice place to start research.